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Public Notice: Notice Content Notice of Service by Publication

In the Circuit Court of Lauderdale County, Alabama:
Patton, Richard J. (Plaintiff) vs. Bryant, Amanda (Defendant), case # DR-2023-000161.00.
The Plaintiff having filed a Motion for Service by Publication averring that service of the Complaint cannot be made because Defendant’s address and whereabouts are unknown and cannot, with reasonable diligence, be ascertained.

It is therefore ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that Defendant answer the Plaintiffs Complaint by thirty (30) days after the last date of publication or thereafter judgment may be rendered.
It is further ORDERED that a notice of action be published once a week for four successive weeks in the East Lauderdale News, located at 1617 Lee Street, Rogersville, Alabama, 35652, a newspaper of general circulation in Lauderdale County, Alabama.

DONE this 6th day of May, 2024.
Signed by Will Powell, Circuit Judge

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